Friday, December 30, 2011

The Wonderful Season And "It's A Wonderful Life!" [Pt 2]

            Part 1 of this two part series----> click on link
                                                   Below is Part 2

Now, concerning the film "It's A Wonderful Life"  something just this year caught my attention. The basic story line was concerning one, George Bailey taking over his father's "Building And Loan" which specialized in providing mortgages for those of questionable means. Bailey's gracious character is contrasted with a measly, penny pinching banker, one Mr Potter, who's intent was to overlord and totally monopolise the  town.  Most fascinating was that on May 26, 1947 the American FBI, declared that "It's a Wonderful Life" was an obvious attempt to discredit bankers, a propaganda trick used by communists. Wouldn't you have to wonder what people today would think about that?  Watching, as I say, the film this latest time I really came to the conclusion that "It's A Wonderful Life" perhaps indeed could be considered...the most wonderful film ever made.

Yes, I fully appreciate there are many different and various genres and it could be said no one particular thing is everyone's cup of tea.  When one considers however the basics of what makes life enjoyable and worthwhile the "It's A Wonderful Life" most certainly does touch on all the bases---self sacrifice, being kind and gracious, and doing things together for the common good---all the ingrediants one would hope to see in a good and caring society. It's a film as well which inspires one to ever seek to look at the bigger picture in life. One can see George Bailey learn such a wonderful valuable lesson that no matter how big a problem which seeks to envelop our lives...there may indeed be things one should consider to keep things in proper perspective.

On my latest viewing this wonderful film,  I picked up on something  most ironic. The age old question has always been can money buy happiness. The standard answer is no. If one considers all aspects of the story however it should be noted the "Building And Loan" was all about giving people a sense of security and happiness by granting them the means to purchase a home. Any way one looks at it---that required money, so can money buy happiness? And what was the thing that actually brought the solution to George's main dilemma in the end? Wasn't it community giving, pooling resources and using money as a tool in solving the problem?

I'm sure we can safely conclude therefore that financial capability does connect to a certain aspect in making people "happy". Perhaps we could consider "happiness" likened to a structure of a building. One needs various pillars in holding it. Money is merely one such pillar  but it takes more than one to hold it up.  A person could have all the money in the world but if they've trouble in their homes, strife and turmoil between relatives and friends---or if a physician has relayed to one a not so good report---well what good is money to buy happiness then?   Now concluding I'd have to say there's one thing I'm not too happy about. I happen to notice "It's A Wonderful Life" in 1946 was nominated for five Oscars but didn't win one. However the American Film Institute has it as one of the 100 best films ever made and have it as number one on it's list as the most inspirational films of all time! What else could be said except, "That's Wonderful!" And may you all my readers have,  A Very Wonderful and Happy New Year!!!!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Wonderful Season And "It's A Wonderful Life!" [Pt 1]

Well, it appears were moving now out of the Christmas theme and the consciousness of New Years has taken over. I for one don't like to think of Christmas as a mere day, but rather a season. I heard recently of one particular culture that have designated things to do in October, November and then December---all related to Christmas. Since the month of January seems in my opinion to lack a certain sense of character who knows---maybe we can add that in too! I'm looking over the last few weeks and can truly say I've had a blessed time this holiday season. I ask myself one thing though, and that is will I ever really tire of watching the grand ole classic Christmas movies which many in my north american culture, delight in viewing?

I think not. I guess they've become engrained within our mindsets that Christmas or the Christmas season, without them just wouldn't be the same. Interesting however , that on Christmas Eve itself, I didn't watch the traditional "Scrooge movies" but I found myself viewing the new "Rise Of The Planet Of the Apes" Will it ever be considered a Christmas classic?

I wouldn't count on it for without a doubt there sure is a considerable difference between 12 reindeer transporting a jolly ole man in a red suit to towns and cities around the world filling everyone's children with glee. Besides, would parents really care to have their children hearing little thumps on the roof and consider they're maybe apes, or monkeys going on the attack? I'm not sure about that. Having said that, "The Rise Of The Planet of the Apes" was an incredibly well done film, and in my opinion 100 X's better then the remake of 2001. 

I did watch in this Christmas Season, Frank Campa's "It's A Wonderful Life" starring Jimmy Stewart, which just happened to be Mr Stewart's all time favourite. Here's some interesting trivia concerning it. To begin with the idea for the film was actually derived from a 4,100-word short story by Philip Van Doren Stern which he wrote in 1943, entitled "The Greatest Gift". Apparently Stern was unable to find a publisher so you might say he gave it out as a freebee, as a 21 page booklet to friends for Christmas.

It eventually came to the attention of a Hollywood film producer who then purchased the film rights for $10,000. Speaking to writers here, I wonder if that answers a particular question some continue to ask---that being, if you've released a particular piece out to be read to an audience, does that necessarily substantiate as a fact that no official publisher will henceforth entertain the notion of publishing the piece? As you can see that wasn't the case with "It's A Wonderful Life". Stern released for free the story and surprisingly it became of monetary value at some later date.

Part 2 of "The Wonderful Season/Wonderful Life" coming soon!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

"Hippies Are Groovy But Occupiers Far Out?" Part 3

Hippies Are Groovy But Occupiers Far Out? [Pt.1] 
Hippies Are Groovy But Occupiers Far Out? [Pt. 2]

Welcome To Part 3 :  "Hippies Are Groovy But Occupiers Far Out"

Many now have come to consider that maybe the "Occupy People" have made their point. It's being suggested it's time for them to give it up as others want their parks back and feel even their livelihoods are being affected. Have Occupy people become extreme and unreasonable or if I could use a hippie pun, "far out" that is far out in left field? Mayors of various cities are contemplating taking action against them if the Occupiers persist in stating they're committed to holding out. Might there be however a new way of thinking they'd consider?  Why should holding out in parks, 24 hours a day be considered the only exclusive way to effect change?

I'd respectfully appeal to the reasoning of the good Occupy folk--please consider the following. There is what's referred to as, "The Law Of Diminishing Returns" simply put, adding more of the same to a particular way of doing a thing many times won't produce an increased yield of results. In fact continuing on with the same can indeed serve to be counterproductive, or as the saying goes, ''one step forward, two step backwards.''  Did those becoming "Occupiers" actually yield positive results?   I'd say so. Wouldn't it be a shame however to see their positive results diminished and  the impact they've created reduced by not appreciating it's time as a movement to morph, evolve and maybe adopt a new approach?

Currently I see various cities taking action forcibly removing the Occupy people or at least their tents from the parks. Authorities are citing sanitation  reasons.  Some mayors are still going to allow Occupiers back into the parks but are veering away from allowing tents to be once again erected. Could it be that they're really doing the Occupiers a favour? Were many of them truly tired of the tent concept anyway and now they can, without losing face, takes steps in a different direction , letting their voice continually to be heard, but in a new and different way? At least now the Occupiers can claim the right was taken away  without them, of their own choice having left the parks. Thinking out of the box, being creative, and trying new things---aren't they the elements that even a successful sports team uses?

What would one think of a team who only employed one play, or one means to achieve a goal? I believe it's safe to say they'd be thought of as short-sighted not seeing the bigger picture of potentially what it takes to wisely go to the next level.  Might "Occupiers" who have nice warm beds staying in a house or home, getting a good night sleep, being well rested---doesn't it make sense it'd  be more to their advantage?  Periodically, they still could, even a couple of times a week, allow their voice to be peaceably heard in front of some government building,  not spending the night outside in the cold but wisely taking shelter, avoiding hyperthermia, which the winter can bring----what better way to keep their cause alive? Occupiers please listen...99%  of the population may not agree with me but could the number  be as high as ninety who do? Should giving  up the tents be considered a surrender? If I was an occupier why shouldn't I consider that  a blessing!  What are tents after all except just one means to achieve an end?

The End Of This Series :-)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Hippies Are Groovy But Occupiers Far Out? (Pt-2)

     Part 1 of "Hippies Are Groovy But Occupiers Far Out?"

      I welcome you now to Part 2 of "Hippies Are Groovy But Occupiers Far Out?"

One even allowed an elderly person to go ahead of them in a department store line, and another had said, "Thank you Maam" while paying for their goods! Surely that had to count for something! Also they seemed to have common earthly names like the rest of us, for if memory serves me correct, I'm sure I heard one of them call their friend  "Bill" and she was  addressed by the  other as  "Hillary" so how much more down to earth can you get then that? All in all the hippie people didn't cause too much damage, except as I say buying up all our supplies but in the days ahead all store shelves were replenished with stock boys working overtime.  

Fast-forward now to the present date of November 10, 2011, forty one years later. The hippie folk got old and for them most part became respectable members of society. They're now in their sunset years, but the dawning of a new day brings the "Occupy People" which some find reminiscent of the hippies. As there predecessors before them they've been labelled as "good for nothing bums". Occupy people are ticked off at the establishment, and long for a brave new world where fairness and equality reigns. They live in parks, tents and rally in the streets, in multitude of cities, ringing out their message that there must be change. They've been stereotyped  but I wonder if they can be. Are they good for nothing bums guilty of not doing what it takes in applying themselves to become a success? Are they short sighted, failing to see the bigger picture, not understanding the finer points of how to make it in life? Are they merely whiners and cry-babies?

Undoubtedly many could be but I suspect if one were to go among their numbers like the hippie movement years before that just like them you might even find an odd one which is nice, hey just like the hippies!    What is the Occupy Movement? Do they know themselves? There are  absolutely no precise goals they want to accomplish except it seems to strongly vocalize their exasperation of the conduct and treatment from the powers which be. Does that however equate to a non-message as some would claim? History would say no. The message of the 60's and 70's was similarly the same, and as one might recall the Beatles sang out "All We Are Saying Is Give Peace A Chance". What peace, and where, and at all times?  Not too much was clear nor precise but the call went out the same for necessary change.

Part 3 of "Hippies Groovy But The Occupiers Far Out" ----> Coming Soon

Hippies Groovy But The Occupiers Far Out?? (Part 1)

It was true! I saw it myself! No one was trying to stop it, even the police! Rumours had been circulating around the town to the effect, but I had to verify it myself.  The date was August 7, 1970  and over 100,000 hippie people had invaded our town, population 8,500.  The event was "Strawberry Fields" rock concert being held at Mosport race track, in the heart of Ontario. Our community from the 401 was the quickest link to the venue.  Ours was pretty much the only place one could pick up supplies---groceries and bar type alcoholic beverages. I can still visualize the store shelves bare and empty. 

The hippie people had bought everything out! It was quite a surreal experience much like you'd imagine in a apocalyptic film, where the transport of goods have been stopped or disrupted from reaching the desperate in need. Sure we knew we'd be able to make the best of it and keep least for a few days. Our town would eventually be back to normal, but this was really something unique the hippie people were doing. As stated I heard about it but had to see it myself. Word had it that at the bottom of the dam, located right at the entrance of our town, THE HIPPIES WERE SWIMMING IN THE NUDE!!!    I scurried quickly to the dam only to find a large number of townspeople looking over the bridge.

Some had smiles on their faces and others had a profound look of shock. "There's something you don't see everyday!" I heard one say. I gazed down myself and yes, there they were swimming in the nude, not even wearing a stitch!   I pondered that for sure I really had something that would  stand out for a report for my "Dear Diary".  Many in the town didn't know what to think, not so much even about the peculiar escapades of these daring, let-it-all-hang-out souls, but more so concerning exactly just what was the underlying philosophy of these alien invaders. I heard through the grapevine that a few of our town's people even talked to them, and surprise, surprise--the verdict, and general consensus was that odd ones were actually nice.  IMAGINE THAT!  : ))

Part 2 of "Hippies Groovy But The Occupiers Far Out" ----> Coming Soon

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Renaming Asteroids Gentle Kind Names

Nothing seems right about it! We have planets albeit a billion plus sizes larger than asteroid YU55, but considering however the potential impact this small and seemingly insignificant rock could have on our planet wouldn't one assume it should deserve a more interesting  better name then a designated code? Does YU55 seem impressive enough? I'd say not! Surely we could do better, considering that if 55 ever impacted the earth it would equal a 4,000 megaton explosion, or a 7.0 earthquake, or if hit on the water would create a 70 foot wave of wiping out who knows what. I'd contend the 55 isn't too comforting either for what would be the first thing on peoples mind if the said asteroid did pay us a visit. "Oh no!!" people would exclaim. "Now we've got to worry about 1 through to 54, and where will it all end?"

I say calm down the people. Could we maybe call asteroid YU55, "One And Only" or maybe "The Lone Wolf" ? How rare really are the events like the arrival of YU55? It's been suggested it has crossed our path at various times and has never been detected. Could more out there be doing the same? Perhaps it's not worth worrying about? Assessing the past the last time we had a suspected incident of a major comet/asteroid impact was in Siberia in Tunguska where an asteroid hit in 1908. It does seem however they've been few and far between and yet some aren't happy until they continually remind us that we still might be due.

I for one would like to believe that we might be ok although wouldn't it be prudent if we addressed potential future concerns? Outside of sending rockets to redirect their path, again I'd suggest various names they be labelled. Honestly now how many could really work themselves up into a frenzy of panic if the name of the approaching boulder/mountain was called, "Gentle Ben" or how about "Lovely Lucy"?  With names like that who  could possibly have concerns of these menacing celestial visitors? "Gently Ben" would be thought of as way too considerate, and wouldn't hurt a fly, and as for "Lovely Lucy" being so kind she'd never dream of destroying  humanity! There could be a possibility however there's of a side to them we'd never seen.  : ))

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Pluto People [Part 2]

Beginning now, Part 2
Perhaps one can however set forth a positive agenda for happiness carrying it out stage by stage. Carrying out a plan designed for happiness even writing it down with the simple steps of 1,2,3 and proceeding to carry each out with little or no emotion will move one into a positive place of peace. Yes it might be considered impossible to "get over things" but one can most certainly "get on with it". I firmly believe there are mental states one can create that can work to alleviate the suffering of many dear folk. We can think of the great grief experienced with the loss of a loved one perhaps the greatest difficulty of all. What could be said or thought of to keep one's life from pining away in grief? I recall one particular approach in addressing the issue I considered truly inspired.

The grieving one would ask themselves the simple question...If their departed loved one were now present what would they say?  Does one really think they'd want their loved ones  the rest of their lives to be under a cloud of great sadness and grief or would they rather want them joyful and happy? Perhaps they'd say words like, "Look what happened, happened and there's no going back to change it! In no way do I want you forever unhappy so rise up, put a smile on your face and carry on!"  Isn't this or something similar what you'd say to your loved one?   In considering this I'd say we gain perspective as we begin to looking at the bigger picture and gain a new positive vision helping us to carry on.

Can one do away with all the sadness of some things that have occurred? Never in totality but can we open the door to a new vision and a new way of looking at things that can clear the mind and heart of never ending despair? I think so. If we're talking about the loss of a loved one never would they want us in a continual agitated state. Living out our existence as a "Pluto Person" is the furthest thing they'd want for us and it would break their hearts knowing that we'd do it. For their sake if not for ours we should never let that happen.

As stated there are an endless number of reasons and situations of life that can bring us to the place of considering oneself, "A Pluto Person." While it's not my intent to make my blog, 'Doctor Bob the Psychologist', I'd like  at times re-visit this "Pluto People" theme for I think the analogy is good---we can feel far separated from others when problems come. Stay tuned for other future times where we'll look at "The Pluto People" again!  I trust you'll find it encouraging.

Perhaps you'd enjoy my blog, "Wilson From Cast Away Discovered On Lonely Blog Island!" Just click on the link,

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Pluto People [Part 1]

Lonely, separated and disconnected with normal people in the real world.  Feeling wiped out, set back and removed. Does anything matter anymore and will the sunshine of joy, happiness and peace ever find my way again?  No I'm not writing concerning my own present experience but having lived in this world some 54 years, I like everyone have seen my share of problems and difficulties, minor and major. Catastrophic problems? I'd say a couple of times with the loss of my father and father-in-law  dying  many years back within a short time of each other. Outside of that I wouldn't consider  my problems as having been too severe.  Others may not have been near as fortunate.

Life may have dealt you a hand you consider most unbearable. It may be the loss of a loved one or perhaps something different like the loss of a career. Your doctor may have just informed you of some very disturbing news concerning a medical condition and the prognosis is concerning. The moment you heard of it, regardless of the problem you felt separated, disconnected and removed from what I'll call, "the normal people".  These are the many ones who seem to have their lives all together.

In contrast lets look at those I've defined as, "The Pluto People".  For sure I'm speaking metaphorically but Pluto in our solar system is the furthest planet away  approximately, 2.7 billion miles from the earth. It could be said to be far separated and alone and using it as a comparison for people, it would be such ones, who because of major or castastrophic  circumstances feel a sense of utter isolation.  They live in the midst  of "normal people" whose lives run tro and fro who carry on their normal course of action.  The Pluto people however have a sense of being numbed out, frozen in time, existing it would seem as mere spectators watching life go by. Their constant wonderment is to whether a smile will light their face again.

Realistically how does one get over something which seemingly is inconceivable to do so?  You need to, "get over it" is the advice dished out by some. I'd contend that even the best skilled and psychologically equipped individuals proficient in dealing with issues, could never "get over" certain things and perhaps no one should be encouraged to try. I liken it in a similar way to one suffering insomnia. The more one tries to get to sleep the more it seems to elude them. If one relaxes however and gets their mind off the "trying" sits back, relaxe oneself...they fall asleep. Desperately "trying to" can create stress moving us away from a place of comfort or acceptance we'd like to have. Instead of seeking to "get over" whatever, perhaps a real solution should be rather to "get on with it".  We'll deal with that on my next blog  to come.

To read Part 2 of : "The Pluto People" , please click on link,>>

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Overcoming The Fear of Plagiarism

Can a writer ever feel a sense of peace that their work will never be stolen?  Recently I've read articles which seem to make light of new inexperienced writers concerned about their work being plagiarized. Some even marvel at the very thought of how new writers could be so naive as to think that they've brought forth and created some new original idea noting that multiple numbers of scripts come across their desks which are similar. What's the truth concerning this issue?  Are upstart writers being extreme walking in paranoia in regard to sharing their ideas with the concerns of its being stolen? You could say that I'm writing this to myself as well by asking all many various questions to get a sense of what course of action should be taken--to withhold creative work or not to withhold---that is the question. 

Quite frankly I've heard interesting arguments from both sides and see no valid reason to suggest that there isn't.  First, is it true that there are many ideas in coming up with a story line which is similar? Most certainly. Is it presumptuous to consider that one has come up with an original concept whether it be a novel or screenplay? Somewhat, but we must define what's meant. To say there are only so many story lines one can write about is true. Various genre may include drama, mystery, romance, or science-fiction---the list can go on and on. Within each genre it could be said you're going to have the continual mix of the same protagonist verses the antagonist. To say however there doesn't involve a certain sense of uniqueness in the playing out of the details I'd say is not valid.

To illustrate there might very well be many stories using the doomed ship, 'Titanic' as it's theme. To release a novel prior to the movie release with the characters of Rose DeWitt Bukater, Jack Dawson and Cal Hockley and with the precise dialogue each one of them speak would in my opinion be pure plagiarism. Writing a story however about the doomed ship Titanic, with even a little romance mixed in, as seen in the Cameron, Titanic could never be said to be the theft, at least not in my court. Once again plagiarism needs defined. What some consider as having been stolen  may not be theft at all. Consider the film classic, "The Wizard Of Oz." It's been suggested by some that George Lucas stole it to create, "Star Wars."

There are interesting similarities between Dorothy's and Princess Leia. You had Dorothy's little dog, To To, and Princess Leia had R2DT. You had the Tin Man and you had C3P0. You had the Lion and you had Chewbacca. You had Dorothy  locked up in the witches castle and you had Princess Leia needing rescued from the Death Star war ship. You had the witch and in Star Wars you had Darth Vader. You had various similarities but their characters are played out in slightly different ways. A story that was stolen? I'd say not and I'd hardly say one could claim plagiarism. With a considerable amount of exact dialogue and names being the same a clear argument could however be made  that certain things have been lifted from other authors.

Some writers ask the question why does it really matter if a work is stolen. The reasoning here would be a writer needs to get their talent out there and at least you're being recognized  by the ones with power.  One never knows,  perhaps a day would come where they give you a call desiring you on their team.  Some might resign themselves to the pros of accepting such .  The thought would be not to seek to capitalize  on any one particular piece of work but to rather to get one's writing style out there receiving exposure. If another however would find such a unpalatable  approach  then to publish screen play ideas through novels or short stories and selling the download as an ebook; one might find that the best way to ensure they'll sleep at night, and find the elusive sense of  peace.


Perhaps you'd enjoy my blog, "Wilson From Cast Away Discovered On Lonely Blog Island!" Just click on the link,


Monday, September 26, 2011

The Story And Not The Tricks!

Many movie producers of yesteryear can teach their present counterparts a thing or two concerning the art of good story telling. They knew the ultimate issue was to tell an entertaining story and were light on the tricks in doing so. Not so today.  We have special effects galore.  Don't misunderstand me I'm not opposed to the sensational advancements that's  achieved in filmology  but I would however strongly suggest an unwise degree of the use of such  can perhaps be counter-productive--to the end-- the story takes the back seat.

The special effects....the props and the great many visual supports portray in as real way as possible how something in reality would appear. I'd question it's importance yes even in regard to films  meant to be visually exciting. While a certain measure of graphic imagery can be fine at what point does it become rather a distraction--or can it ever be said to be that at all? I'd say yes in the affirmative. Special effects departments can create wonders but I'd put a far more focus on leaving most things to the power of the imagination. I'd contend that by forcing people to imagine it could be said that you're involving and engaging one's audience making them feel like a participant in the drama---in other words you're not putting them to sleep. 

Wouldn't it be  a better way  to leave a few of the blanks open allowing  viewers to fill them in as they see fit? To cite one example, the 1948 film, "The Rope" we see this demonstrated.  The story goes a couple of college students sought to justify the committing of a  homicide of a fellow  student to their professor. He comes to the realization that they've  placed the corpse--the victim of their crime in a chest a few feet away.  The professor walks over to the chest, swings it open and the next shot we see his shocked expression as he looks within upon its gruesome contents. 

Keep in mind the body is never seen and it's left totally over to the power of the imagination . I recall the late, Jimmy Stewart discussing this film.  He stated people all the time would tell him they'd swear that they saw a body in the box--but nope they did not. All was left to the imagination. They got so caught up in the story their minds filled in the blanks. Would not achievng such an effect subliminally be for the most part more effective not to mention a lot less expense on the film makers budget?  

In doing a body in the box scene today modern film makers would have us look down into the eyes of some rotted out corpse.  Would it be surprising that ones who like to take realism to the extreme may want some day to have the smell and scent of decay to be sent out  the air vents of your  viewing theatre?  Could patrons at a certain point in the future say quite literally that a particular movie stunk?  One might say that such could be acceptable as long as it was followed by a lovely fragrance of flowers. Even so I'd hope not. I wouldn't want to take the chance, knowing my stomach like I do and none would be too keen wanting to gaze upon and smell my chow eaten  a brief span of time before. It might stink but I guess I could tell you it's just a part of the movie.  



Saturday, August 27, 2011

Mystery Lights In The Sky Pt 3

So...perhaps interesting mysterious things do take place. Acknowledging the possibility of such we're left with what conclusion? Is it that we're not alone that life must have came from other worlds?  Reading after many who are into ufology  that seems to be the usual conclusion  drawn. Quite interesting that a different  approach was put forth in Jacques Vallee's book,  'Passport to Magonia: From Folklore to Flying Saucer'. It was stated  by Vallée, who was very much considered  one of the top  leaders in the study of UFO's and was considered the real-life model for one of the characters in Spielberg's, 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' that UFO phenomena seemed to follow along the lines and pattern of supernatural manifestations of angels , ghosts and psychic phenomena. 

To put it another way he felt the assumptions that many ufologists were making had need to be drawn into question. Instead of  extraterrestrials Vallee considered we might be looking at rather an interdimensional reality.  It's not so much that they came here but rather that they've always been here within inner space. Holding to such a possibility Vallee found it alienated him from most of the pure materialists within ufology. One might say materialists refused to consider a spiritual/supernatural  possibility as the greater answer to the UFO question. The idea was that such entities  would look at whatever the current  culture was into and create and produce visual illusions accordingly. Perhaps it could be said before the time a culture could consider  space travel  it may have been phantom tall ships on the sea which would appear.

This could mean that UFO's may no more be physically substantial any more then mystery ghost ships on the ocean in generations  past. As to whether such a thought could be the case who knows?  It does however provide another avenue of looking at the theme, thinking  out of the box, or the seeing of a bigger picture. Instead of the equation being, 3x3 equally 9 the true way of  looking it it might be 3+3 equally 6. As stated Vallee's hypothesis was not well received by ufologists which I consider rather ironic. It seems from advocates believing in UFO's who are constantly encouraging everyone  to keep an open mind one would think they themselves would exercise the same way of reasoning---keep your mind open to all possibilities. 

Vallee had went on record to say that he is presently viewed as a "heretic among heretics" and among other ufologists he's veiwed as an outcast. If you're considered an outcast by Ufologists then keep in mind you must be way out there in the twilight zone...but who knows? Maybe that's where the UFO's are from.

This is the end of "Mystery Lights in The Sky" but perhaps you'd like to read one of my blogs similar, which I entitled, "The Scariest Halloween On Record" The theme is concerning the "War Of The Worlds" radio broadcast in 1938 which too you might say is a UFO blog. To enjoy please click on the link below,