The Crazy Gifts of The Twelve Days of Christmas
I got to thinking about the Song "The 12 Days of Christmas" and wondered what I'd do with all those gifts. Here's my best thoughts on what I'd do getting all those crazy things! In the Christmas Carol "The 12 Days Of Christmas" I'd say it's pretty excessive exactly how many gifts the one received! I suspect the giver needed to give their head a shake and get some perspective. Some who have taken the time to count them up, for remember the number is compounded each day...if you received 7 swans a swimming on Day 7 and next day another 7...well you get the picture. It comes in total to 364 gifts!
Why not have added 1 more to make it 365 one for each day?? Oh well. Maybe I can throw in one more partridge in a pear tree. As for myself receiving some of those gifts I'd consider exchanging them for something else. The 12 Partridges I'd probably kill and put in the freezer for food...perhaps eat one for each month of the year. The 22 Turtle Doves I'd take to the pet shop and get a dog. The 30 French hens....yeah, I'd hold on to them...eggs for breakfast forever! The 36 calling birds I'd tell them to call someone else as I'd like a little peace and quite. 40 gold rings? Now that's the ticket! I'd take some of the latter gifts and exchange them for more rings, and add some diamonds to them will yeah!
42 geese? I'd call the animal rights activists and let them take them freezer would be full already with partridges. 42 swans a swimming....I'd keep about 4 for my pond and send the other 38 to zoos everywhere. 40 maids a milking...I'd tell them forget the milking, just clean my house and do the laundry. 36 ladies dancing? Just make a video of their doing their thing and send it to me...I wouldn't want to have to feed them dinner and give them a tip. 30 Lords a Leaping...I'd send them to a psychiatrist. You can't be firing on all fours to do such a thing. 21 Pipers piping and the 12 drummers drumming...I'd send them to my worst enemy and tell them to play 24/7 not allowing him to get any sleep. Maybe he'd send me a whole bunch of rings as well to encourage me to take them back. They better be made of gold though...If silver I think I'd demand twice as much!
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