Sunday, December 9, 2018

Candy Canes Banned! They Look Like "J" For Jesus!

An elementary school principal in Nebraska was suspended for telling teachers not to have "J" shaped candy canes decorating the classroom. Reason? The "J" looks like Jesus! Do you think she went through all other candies to make sure there was nothing else that might offend?

Maybe if the kids promised to hold them upright that might be OK?  I mean what's offensive about this? (below)

 Or maybe if the kids joined them together to make a heart there would be no offense?

I read another said that they're supposed to be what they're called....CANES. They  suggest candy companies made them that way so it'd be easy to hang them on things. Not sure if this school principal considered this?  (below)

Makes you wonder though. If "J" looking things are banned than what about people needing real canes to help walking? Maybe we can kick them out of their hands or allow only walking sticks with no hook on the end?  After all.....we certainly don't want to see people offended. :)

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